5 Tips for Your Grad School Inverview
Congratulations on securing an interview! The department already thinks you are qualified enough to warrant an interview so relax and try to have fun while still showing off your best self. These tips are for life science graduate programs and may or maynot apply to other disciplines
Tip 1: Prepare an elevator pitch
One of the main things you're being evaluated for is your capacity to perform and communicate research during your PhD. Practice a quick introduction to give faculty and current graduate students about your current research and potential ideas for your thesis research.
Tip 2: Ask everyone questions
Always have a question for your one-on-one faculty meetings! It's okay to reuse the same questions because, more often than not, different faculty have different answers. A couple examples are "What is your mentorship style?" or "is there a lot of collaboration between members of the department?"
Be sure to ask current grad students questions too! They will know best about the cost of living, faculty attitudes, nearby neighborhoods, and day to day activities.
Remember you're also deciding if you want to attend this program!
Tip 3: Always be "on"
The graduate students will be asked their opinion of you so be on your best behavior! Don't get to drunk during a happy hour or make crude remarks. Dress nicely (suits not needed for life sciences) and be kind.
Tip 4: Pace yourself
Interview weekends are often long and run back to back. Take for yourself, get plenty of rest, and drink water. You are not expected to know every paper by every faculty member. Take notes between interviews so you can remember what you liked and disliked.
Tip 5: Have fun
The schools are trying to woo you so enjoy it! Don't stress too much and enjoy the nice dinners and outing to museums.